Monday, May 24, 2010


So I finally kind of got my joomla website going, check it out at

This league is going to be such a bitch but I think it is going to be a lot of fun and hopefully after a little while we can make some money at it via ads and sponsors. Def need some good logos and banners and stuff done so we can get this off the ground. If anyone knows hardcore php and maybe even some java I would def hit me up since it will be a well paying job since most design companies seem to want to quote 3K+ at the moment.

Played a single wc3 game last night since sc2 beta was bugging out, ladder reset last month so i was unranked completely. First game i face a level 23 orc (top level atm is 34) and about 2 minutes into the game my video completely freezes and goes completely black on the ground and most units. All I see are some trees and shadow effects, and I still own this orc. SO FUCKING PRO.

And since I feel like it, im going to post my poker graph.

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